Experiential Learning

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” ― Aristotle

At Millennium the teaching and learning process is centered around a holistic approach, the curriculum, instructors and the environment together offer the students the opportunity to develop their cognizance at every level. School education is considered the stepping stone for future progress and decision-making. Students at Millennium are provided with the contingency to participate in a diverse range of activities guided by an experiential learning method. Beginning from athletic endeavors, art and academics to global learning connections offering international exposure; provisions are made for the students to expand their horizon of learning beyond the textbooks and classrooms.

We coach the students for new and emerging challenges by allowing them to participate in diverse activities designed and developed for their practical understanding. Students “do and learn” which enables them to evaluate and retrospect about the cause and effect of the activities they are a part of.