Social Outreach Program

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

As a school we are empowered to cultivate the values of compassion, kindness and empathy among the students and channelize the values to engage in social responsibility. At Millennium World School we sow and nurture the seeds of creating individuals to benefit others. Engaging in social relationships and taking over social responsibilities allows complete human growth. At Millennium we nurture the importance of the values of brotherhood, gratitude, respect, and love for their family, friends, and society and expose the students to several activities and outreach programs to develop students into empathetic, compassionate and good human beings.

We undertake social awareness programs as a part of which the students are taken to the nearby localities and suburbs, where they volunteer and aid the residents in keeping their surroundings clean, organize plantation, environmental conservation drives, literacy and happiness drives in old age homes, projects to eradicate social evils and issues that they feel strongly about.