A brief guide for choosing the right school for your child

"The beginning is the most important part of the work."—Plato. 

As rightly stated by the Greek philosopher, the beginning always has a significant impact on the road that lies ahead of us. Schools are undoubtedly the flagging off ceremony for a child's future. Starting from the first day to the last, educational institutions mold a child's life immensely. As such, it is understandable when parents go all frenzy while choosing the perfect learning environment for their little ones.

As one of the top Bangalore schools, we encounter many queries when parents approach us for their children. Added on with the pandemic, the concerns have gone up even higher, whether it is about the online classes or the schools resuming campus learning. 

Also, read Back to School - Reopening Post-COVID how are we resuming to campus learning. 

 We have compiled for all the parents a brief guide to choose the right school for your child.

Approach to learning

The school's approach to learning can have a significant impact; for example, an engaging teaching-learning style will attract the child's attention rather than sticking to the textbooks alone. The approach to learning is also defined by the size of the class and the homework policies. Finally, the approach also counts for the mode of teaching implemented by the school, bearing results, implying that the children are actually learning. 

As we speak about the approach, it is crucial to understand that it also incorporates the additional help or counselling required to learn better. This is because not all children learn the same or at an equal pace. For example, as one of the top schools in Bangalore north, teachers create a friendly relationship with the students to understand their needs and then define the approach to help them understand and perform better in academics. 


The second point of impetus while choosing the right school for your child that counts is the curriculum. Take a look at the subjects offered by the school and the design of the core academic programs. Along with the basic science, math, and literature, the school also provides them opportunities to study art, foreign language, etc. You can also check with the school if there is any particular focus on the theme of the curriculum. For instance, as one of the noted schools in Bangalore north, we are known for the experiential learning style.

In the experiential learning style, we help the students equip themselves with the skills to face new and emerging challenges. With a curriculum designed to allow the young learners to participate in diverse practical activities, we hold a window to real-life situations. 

Facilities and services

Is the school well-stocked with a library where students can check out books? Is the school backed up by a technical team, considering all the online classes added to the list of facilities now? Is their transportation available, and what are safety measures adopted during the traveling and on the campus. Playground, classrooms, first aid, etc. These facilities are highly prominent to be overlooked as your child will spend a good fraction of day in the school. 

As one of the emerging international schools in North Bangalore, we closely focus on the facilities offered to the students on and off the campus. The students were aided by the best teaching and non-teaching support, including safe and secured school bus transportation. Safety and hygiene of the students remain our top priority, and keen attention is paid to both. 

Location of school

The next in line is the location of the school, the factors that you need to ponder upon are whether you want your child to go to a school within walking distance of your home or are you willing to nurture the talent of your child away from your neighborhood radius. Also, when considering the location out, are you opting for private transportation or school transportation. Finally, with schools resuming campus learning, sending the kids to school might be challenging, but sorting out the distance can help you deal with this challenge well. 

If you are looking for schools in Yelahanka Bangalore with transportation facilities, Millennium World School offers school bus facilities within a radius of 2Km to 14K. MWS works to bring easy access to education in every aspect. Thus, with campus learning making its way back, vigilant moves were made to start the transportation facilities. 

The above four are the crucial points to consider while choosing the right school for your child. However, it is imperative to remember that every school has its unique style of teaching and functioning. Thus, connect to the schools and get a proper understanding of the structure followed by the school. 

If you are worried about your child's future, Millennium World School is waiting for all the answers. Connect with us for admission detail. Admissions ongoing for 2022-23

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