Innovative Ways of Teaching Methods That Keep Kids Engaged!

Bringing about educational change has been compared to changing a flat tire while driving a car. We can all agree that change is very often unpopular in schools. Few people challenge how education is delivered because it has been done in the same way for so long. Most people believe this is how things should be. However, as one of the known names amongst the international schools in North Bangalore, we ensure that the teaching-learning process takes a better shape with modern methods.  

The most challenging task for any instructor is grabbing each student's attention and efficiently imparting ideas in a way that leaves a lasting impression. At Millennium World School, we want to meet children who are comfortable and improve their learning, and we need educators who aren't hesitant to try new things. As a result, it's time to reconsider our approach to teaching. This blog will look at unique teaching approaches for increasing student engagement and making learning more enjoyable in the classroom.   

  • Project-based learning  

Project-based learning is an excellent approach to keeping students interested in their studies. This learning style allows children to work on projects that they can apply in the real world. For example, students could work on a design for a new playground as part of a project-based learning activity. This form of learning is beneficial because it allows children to realize how their learning is relevant to their lives.  

At Millennium World School, we put a lot of impetus on project-based learning rather than encouraging the students to mug up chapters after chapters from textbooks that are forgotten in the future. But with project-based learning, students can retain the knowledge for longer.   

  • Activity based  

Another excellent technique to keep kids interested in their studies is to use activity-based learning. This method of instruction employs activities to aid in the teaching of children. Students, for example, can conduct small experiments as part of an activity-based learning exercise. This kind of instruction in learning is advantageous since it allows children to absorb the concepts relatively easily by doing it.  

As one of the best private schools in Bangalore, we try to add as many possibilities of activity-based learning for our students regularly, through workshops and other such opportunities, helping them to have fun while they learn their lessons.   

  • Brainstorming  

Brainstorming is a lateral thinking technique in which students are urged to produce ideas or thoughts that may appear odd or frightening at first. It is a valuable tool for developing creative solutions to problems. The participants can then alter and improve them to create new and valuable concepts. Brainstorming can aid in identifying a problem, the diagnosis of a problem, the title of potential solutions, and resistance to proposed solutions.  

We highly encourage students to become problem solvers, communicators, and ideate and create, and brainstorming is one helpful method to encourage the students to do so. Also, while brainstorming with their peers, the students learn about different perspectives and thought processes and learn the art of collaborating.   

  • Storytelling  

Storytelling is not a new form of teaching method; it has prevailed from time immemorial, and it remains one of the most effective teaching methods. To make it more effective, we have the aid of digital storytelling, which enables us to enhance the students' attention in the classrooms and keep them focused on learning. Storytelling also adds the fun element of education, breaking the monotony of the regular classroom environment.   

At MWS, we encourage the students to use the power of imagination. Therefore, such a storytelling style of instruction is implemented regularly, allowing the students to imagine and envision ideas and concepts and giving them a window to creative thinking.   

  • Changing the learning environment  

One of the reasons why Gurukuls in ancient times successfully kept the students engaged was their vibrant and lively learning environment. However, while classrooms provide a focused and unriveted learning environment, they often make the learning experience unvarying and tedious. As a result, students might feel lethargic or bored, affecting their classroom engagement.   

Thus, changing the learning environment and occasionally flipping from the classroom to an open space aid in keeping the student engaged. It gives the students a sense of freedom from enclosure or boundaries and metaphorically allows them to step beyond their limitations and inhibitions.   

Millennium World School is not just another affordable CBSE school in Bangalore with well-developed infrastructure and qualified faculty, it is a community of teachers and learners working towards achieving academic excellence. Thus, we pay utmost importance to the mode of instruction and method of teaching.   

We research and acquire expert opinions to create teaching methods that add value to your child's learning.   

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