School Facilities At Millennium World Bengaluru

Indeed, the environment that an individual is exposed to contributes a lot in shaping their lives. Considering this, Millennium World School as one of the good CBSE schools in Bangalore, pays a critical attention to the facilities provided on an off campus. Schools are on the onset of reopening after a long gap, and we understand that parents are even more concerned about the school facilities, infrastructure and safety then they were earlier.

As we take steps to make our way as one of the best names in the list of international schools in Bangalore, we make sure the children are provided with world class facilities and the parents are assured of the time and money they are spending for their child’s education.

As we begin to prepare for the session of 2022-23 and open admissions for the session, we share with you a brief look at the facilities provided in the school:

  • Safety & hygiene

One of the greatest concerns that both the parents and school administration have been working upon is to keep the children safe and healthy as they get back to school in the looming contagion. Proper safety protocols will be maintained in the school starting from temperature check, social distancing, periodic disinfecting of the school premises etc. The students will be supervised to sanitize their hands from time to time and particularly during the recess ours.

  • Robust and spacious infrastructure

As one of the good CBSE schools in Bangalore, the first point that comes to mind is the school campus, and Millennium World School (MWS) is proud of its eco-friendly campus, spread out in an area of about 5 acres. The design of the campus building is as such to accommodate all the essential facilities matching the global standards. The campus is spacious and crowd-free for the students and staff to carry on the functions with ease. From wide corridors to extensive ventilation, the campus architecture is designed after thorough research for a comfortable learning environment.

  • Classrooms

The classrooms at MWS are equipped with modern teaching technologies and computer learning aid to support the individual attention and development of our students. The classrooms are spacious and have elaborate sitting arrangement to maintain social distancing while being able to interact with the teachers and peers well. Keeping in mind that students spend a good amount of time the classrooms are equipped for smart learning and activity rooms curated for students to learn in a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

  • Labs

MWS works tirelessly to create a learning environment of prominence, as such we have included designated labs for students to delve into their learning process with even prescience and practical insights. As we make our way to the list of international schools in Bangalore, with quality education we pay attention to the practical and experiential learning of the students. Thus, sophisticated labs are incorporated in the campus to provide complete understanding of the theoretical concepts that the students learn in the classrooms.

  • Library

In order to widen the horizon of learning and creative thinking of the students, we have integrated well stocked library with books ranging from all genres. he library in the Millenium Campus is incorporated with an attempt to nurture an interest of reading and creating an environment for developing research. The library is thus laid out well with age-appropriate reading resources, handpicked from the best of international labels, to nurture the right vocabulary & diction in children.

  • Infirmary

Infirmary is a standard facility provided by any school. Inside the premises the students are under the care and responsibility of the school and thus any emergency situation pertaining to such has to be taken care by medically trained experts. The school therefore has an infirmary for emergency and first aid services under the guidance of a trained nurse available on duty during school hours. The medical room is well lit with the availability of the basic medication facility. However, nothing is given to the child without proper consultation with the parents to ascertain any allergies a child may have.

We understand that as parents you only want to pick the best for your child, and hence you are allowed to scrutinize well whether we make comply to the norms of good CBSE schools in Bangalore. Does our facilities assure you that your child will have the best on campus learning experience.

Well for that you can contact us or visit us at the campus for more details. Millennium World School Bengaluru North will be delighted to connect with you and host you in its beautiful campus and cater to your concerns and doubts. welcomes

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